Oct 10
First recipe from new great cookbook by Dorie Greenspan.
We thought that 36 pieces would be too much for only two people (we were so wrong!) so we cut the amounts to half. But how can you make half from 5 eggs? We rounded it to 3 and maybe that was the reason why our dough was little bit liquid. The result was not so rounded, but the taste was delicious and that’s what counts!
So for second try, use full amount of ingredients and when the dough is little bit liquid, try to save it with paper cupcake cup.
Now the short photo story and take a look at others
ahoj,mohl bych poprosit o recept?
Stručně řečeno jde o odpalované těsto, do kterého se na konci přidá nastrounaný sýr a pak se lžičkou udělají bochánky a šup s tím do trouby, jako by člověk dělal větrníky. Každopadádně pro přesný recept musím odkázat na knížku, recepty zveřejňovat nebudu.